Tuesday, March 30, 2010

A Ring in the Sand

As I am sitting here listening to the rain this morning hit the covering on my patio, I hear what sounds like seagulls. It immediately brings back to mind all of the wonderful memories I have of the coast. If I could go anywhere to "get away" and be refreshed, it is there! It started when I was a kid, and my family would go over to Brookings and camp. Some of the greatest memories I have as a child is with my Dad, at the beach, playing in the waves.

After Sean and I were engaged, we went over to the coast for an afternoon trip. It was a beautiful day, and I decided to bury him in the sand. He had given me a beautiful diamond ring and I didn't want to scratch it at all, so I took it off and put it in his hat, on our blanket. I must say, I did an amazing burial job...he was up to his neck...but the sun started getting in his eyes and he asked for his hat. I reached over and grabbed it for him, without thinking, and when I did I heard a small thud. My ring had fallen into the sand.

For the next 3 or 4 hours we were carefully sifting through sand, trying not to move to hastily...but to no avail. It was starting to get dark, and we were going to have to leave for home, so we decided to try one last thing. We went to a local store, bought a collander, and began forcefully sifting through sand. Finally after we had pretty much given up hope, the miracle happened! To our utter shock, there in the bottom of the collander was my diamond ring.

As we are approaching on Easter weekend, I think about the other "rings lost in the sand" I have given up on. When situations seem hopeless, and all our efforts to find them have only proved disappointing. I am reminded to not give up hope, put the "collander" in the sand one more time because miracles happen!

For the Son of Man came to seek and save those who are lost - Luke 19:10

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