Thursday, September 30, 2010


Have you ever had plans to do one thing, and then decided last moment to do something else? There's been so many times in my life that I have done this, and now it is spilling over into my blog. I had every intention of doing a blog called "The Significance of Your Name", which I think is important. Instead, however, I will be talking about "Rearranging".

I don't know about you, but sometimes in my house, I like to rearrange things. Especially in the fall and spring, my house and the rooms in it can use a good cleaning. Whether its moving furniture around, changing out pictures, painting, going through kid's clothes, closets or toys - it all needs it. Usually, right in the middle of doing it, I wonder what in the world I got myself into. It appears as though I 've created more of a mess then what was there before. But, when it's all said and done, I am so happy I did it.

One of the definitions for the word "arrange" is as follows:

* to put into a proper order or into a correct or suitable sequence, relationship, or adjustment

I believe it is safe to say, that to "rearrange" something can be described as putting something that once was in order, back.

In our lives, things can get out of order. It's easy to see the breakdown of society in the big picture. Families have suffered, children have suffered, the economy has suffered, etc. Why? The answer is, because of sin. The biggest goal of the enemy is to steal, kill, and destroy, everything in your life. It is to take what God intended to be good, and twist it. Sin is not something you can move around, change the picture of, or paint over. Only the blood of Jesus Christ can get rid of it. When we recognize and receive that, then Jesus's biggest goal can happen. That is to give you life, and life more abundanlty in every area! (John 10:10)

What about the small picture of things, aka, your life? What about the rooms in your heart and your mind? Have you checked them lately? Are there doors left open for the enemy to get in? If something in your life is not the way God intended it to be, let Him rearrange you today.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

A Tribute to the 80's

The other morning I was listening to my husband's Ipod and some old 80's music came on. Instantly I felt like I was 13 again. Of course, this is when, MY now 13 year old daughter walked in. It was in that moment that she witnessed something she probably wished she hadn't. Her Mom, jamming out in the kitchen...80's style!

In 1980 I was 6 years old. So, that whole decade was when I basically grew up. There's alot of changes between the years of 6 and 16! So I thought I would have a look back in time to see what was popular when I was my daughter's age. (No, I'm not going through a mid-life crisis) In the words of Nacho Libra..."it's for fun."

Who could forget (though we might want to) Cyndie Lauper, Michael Jackson, Debbie Gibson, Richard Marx, and of course Aha - who had the one hit wonder, "Take on Me"? As you can tell by some of the ones on my list, I was a sappy love song lover. Some things never change. My brother, on the other hand was the opposite. He liked Ratt, Poison, Def Lepard, Van Halen, etc. etc. etc. So you can imagine the fights that would break out in the station wagon over which cassette we were going to listen to.

As far as fashion and hair style...I was the queen of big hair and high bangs. My babysitting money would go towards Aqua Net, blue eyeshadow, and HUGE earrings. Pathetic, I know...finally last year, Sean told me it was time to put that stuff away. (Just kidding...I hope you knew that!) Guess jeans, Espirit shirts, Fish Net sleeves, and Leg Warmers could all be found in my closet. I probably should tell you though, they were borrowed. There was no way, in you know where, that my parents were going to spend that kind of money on clothes. Especially when the jeans had holes in them :)

"Buehler? Buehler ? Buehler ? " Remember Ferris? How about the Breakfast Club or the 2 Corey's ? One of the 1st movies I saw in a theatre was E.T. and then of course Top Gun! Ghost Busters and Karate Kid were a hit, and everyone thought seeing Michael J Fox go from Family Ties to Back to the Future was amazing. Which coincidentally, we watched that on T.V a few weeks ago, and do you remember in the movie Marty went back in time 30 years? He went from 1985 to 1955, and everything had changed so much! Well, my friends, 1985 was 25 years ago, and I would venture to say that, again, everything has changed so much!

All in all, it was a fun time. I often think, what in the world were we thinking?! However, when a song comes on the radio, or an Ipod, you might just catch me dancing...80's style!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Be Who You Were Made to Be

I was teaching a 3 year old Sunday School class this morning about the account of David and Goliath. For those of you who are familiar with the story, you know that David killed Goliath, the giant, w/ a sling shot and 5 stones. Before the victory, however, the reigning king, Saul, had tried to prepare David for the battle by putting on his own armor. The armor was too big for David, so much so, that he was ineffective in it. So David took off Saul's armor, and grabbed what he was used to going to battle with...his slingshot.

Many times in our life we try to wear someone else's armor, only to be disappointed with the outcome. For whatever reason, we don't take the time to find out who we are, and how we are effective.

God has given each of us unique gifts. I've talked about that before in previous blogs. One way to find out what those gifts are, is to ask yourself the question, "What do I love? What do I enjoy? What am I good at? What is my passion?" Everybody is a 10 at something!

God will, many times, use the gifts that you have for His kingdom, and His purposes. When you recognize that you are not supposed to wear someone else's armor, but be comfortable in your own skin, so to speak, you will not only be effective, but you will love what you do, and how you are being used.

What about the "giants" we face? First of all, I believe, we can't defeat any of them, indefinately, without the power of God. But then, I believe, He gives us very practical ways to win the battles. Like He did with David, He gives us the opportunity to wear our own armor.