Friday, March 12, 2010

Menu Items Part 3

I can't believe it has already been almost a month! I was talking to my sister in law yesterday about it all, and she is going to possibly join me on Monday - just to watch how the shopping goes. She is a great shopper, but I think the idea of only going once a month intrigues her.

Thanks again to my friend Amy who let me whine a bit last night to her. I am so sick of soup, so I wasn't going to eat dinner. That idea only lasted until I got hungry though. So as I am eating the soup (again) I am whining to her about how next month I will plan better for the last week. However, after my whining moment I talked about how I am totally sold on this idea of only shopping once a month. I reminded myself, this is only the first month, and I've never done this before. So, the more I learn, the better "the last week" will be.

Today I am attaching my 3rd week of menus, and I want to be up front and tell you that I can't remember if this is what we really had on the days it says. I know we had these meals during the month, but if it was Mon., Tue., Wed., etc - I've lost track. So please take it at face value and use the menu as simply gaining ideas for planning your month.

1 comment:

  1. I'm excited Krista! I'm going to talk Ben and make a meal plan and shop with you listening to all of your advice and Loucille's. I'm sooo excited I think I will start my meal planning today:)
