Monday, March 22, 2010

One of my Amazing Talents

As some of you may know I have an incredible, amazing, awesomely, outstanding gift. It is the gift to remember your birthday. Now I say this, and it might backfire, because someone will undoubtedly ask when their's is and I won't remember. So to make it fair, if you've never told me your birthday, don't expect me to get it right, and don't be offended if I happen to miss it by a couple days here or there.

I personally think that May 9th is the best birthday anyone could ever have. In fact, that happens to be MY birthday. It just sounds cool. May...9th... Which this also happens to only be 48 days away. The only thing I don't really like about my birthday is it is always in the same week as Mother's Day, and I kinda think that's a rip off. I do get spoiled though...I have an amazing husband and kids who love me.

So, test me and see how I do. It just sounds fun to do today.


  1. View all 55 comments on my facebook profile.

  2. what a great talent! it's beth merica and i just signed up on facebook today- my b-day August 17th-almost always right before youth camp. i won't hold it against ya if you forget- out of 365 days in a year thats a lot of dates to file mentally.
