Monday, March 1, 2010

» Once-a-Month Shopping: Save More by Shopping Less

» Once-a-Month Shopping: Save More by Shopping Less

I read this article this morning in less then 5 minutes. It is about a family who has only shopped once a month since 1984! They answer questions about fresh produce, storing milk, bread, cheese, etc. They also talk about looking for sales and using coupons. I haven't ventured into clipping coupons yet (one thing at a time) but people who know what they're doing, and do it right, save a lot of money. I remember when Sean worked at Safeway, people would come in and use coupons all the time and save tons of money.

A quick thought:

I am now on my second week. My cupboards, freezer, and pantry still look pretty full and I've made every one of my meals. Remember I am feeding a family of 6 and running a daycare. I did notice last night I have been using bread and juice a little fast. So that just reminded me I need to proportion things out carefully. One of the reasons my kids are at the dentist a lot is because I have let them be juice a holics. Water and milk is way more healthier, and less expensive. As always, feedback is appreciated. Also, if there is anything specific anyone would like to know, ask me, and I'll see if I can find the answer for you.


  1. "Saving money used to mean scouring the newspapers and clipping and organizing paper coupons. Now it’s all about typing what you’re looking for into a deals search engine. Shopping without taking a few seconds to do that is silly."
    (This is taken from this weeks issue of Readers Digest, where you can also find 13 Tips for using Online Coupons

  2. Sam Sheperd says:

    I know sugar substitutes don't always seem to be the best example, but sugar free Koop-aid tastes great and the kids never mind. I have seen people use it to ween their kids off juice. I think your shopping adventures are great. I have tried this for our household several times and want to start back again, but I am not quite sure how you ... See Moredid the four hundred dollar limit.... But we will try some variation thereof! Unfortunately, we just eat out way too much and my pants size are seeing the results (I don't care if you order a salad, it just ain't the same!) keep it up! And check out the pioneer woman (google it) great website!

  3. Cyndie Dosser says:

    Okay Krista, I'm curious how the veges and fruits are holding up? Definitely got me thinking about this that's for sure :)

  4. Cyndie -

    I have lots of fresh onion, potatoes, carrots, celery, apples, oranges, pears, cilantro, and lettuce left. I also have 3 economy size bags of frozen mixed veges and corn. I bought some large cans of peaches, fruit cocktail, and pears, and I still have a lot of those too. The only thing I have ran out of is bananas.
