Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Being Balanced

I mentioned in a previous blog that with a daycare and 4 children I find myself feeling like all I ever do is clean clean clean. And this is true. Now I find myself cooking, baking, checking my blog for comments. Cooking, baking, checking my blog for comments, etc. So today I thought it would be important to talk about balance. It is so easy to get excited about a new project and then push other important things to the side. I think we all know what I am talking about:) So today's mission is not pick up my computer to check e-mail, facebook, blog status...anything. Today will be a day of spending quality time with my children, helping them with their homework, getting caught up on laundry, and of course...cleaning.

What consumes us? As a christian woman, I know what the pad answer should be. The Lord, right? But does He? I know for me it is so easy to get caught up in life, that some days I don't really even think about the Lord. Terrible...but true. If I could think of one word to describe God, it would be BALANCE. Think about it....Even in creation He spent one day creating the heavens and earth, one day distinguishing night and day, and so on. He is fully love, and yet we hear about the wrath of God too. I want to be balanced in my life. I want to always remember that the Lord should come first. I also want to be careful not to get caught up in the excitement of new projects that I forget about the other imprtant things in my life.

By the way...just so you know I still do have all my meals planned for today. Dinner tonight should be amazing. BBQ Pork and Rice on Corn Tortillas with Lime and Melted Cheese. Mmmmmm!

Keep it balanced...Goodbye for Today Computer World

1 comment:

  1. Krista, I know what you mean, I have so many days like that when I get so consumed with checking my facebook or my blog or just my emails. I try to set aside just the earlier morning hours for checking that sort of stuff and the evenings. The rest of my morning and early afternoon is working with my girls on school and cleaning. It doesn't always work as I'm sure you have seen me on facebook during the day, but as I said "I try". We do have to keep our priorities straight and above all God is #1 and if we do that, all the rest should fall right into place. Good for you for keeping it balanced, see you later on the computer or tomorrow :) :) Have a wonderful day!
    P.S. Would love to take a peak at a menu for the week or 2, trying to get some ideas to put this shopping method into place in my life :)
