Wednesday, March 3, 2010

A New Way of Thinking

My husband and I were laughing the other night because I mentioned that one of the things that keeps me accountable to not running out and grabbing dinner is writing this blog. The thought of going down to the store and picking something up FREAKS ME OUT! I mean, what if I see one of you guys??? Then what? So, thank you for keeping me accountabe in my endeavors. With that said, I did almost give in last night. Seriously I felt the words, "let's go get fast food" at the tip of my tongue. Why? It wasn't because I didn't have a dinner planned. It wasn't because I didn't make the planned dinner either. The reason those words almost flew out of my mouth was because the dinner I made, simply put,tasted like... crap. What did I do instead? I quickly threw together some Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches and Oranges and called it good as we ran out the door to church. Things don't always work what...improvise! My kids didn't die because they didn't have meat for dinner last night. In fact, they kind of enjoyed the change up. They didn't know I almost gave in either, because I kept my mouth shut and saved us a $25 dollar bill.

I don't ever want to get stuck in a rut. In every area of my life I want to be willing to grow. Spiritually, I want to grow closer in my walk with God, every day. Physically, I want to understand the importance of being healthy and exercising. Trust me, I am not there yet, but I live with my own personal Jillian Michaels (Emily) and she is always reminding me! In the area of emotions, I want to grow. I want to learn the right way to respond to situations and not be emotionally driven. And financially, God, please renew my mind! That is what actually started this whole thing, is we finally got on a budget. No matter who we are, where we came from, what our background or financial status is, we should never think we've "arrived". There's always room to grow. There's always room to improvise.

Some people have wanted to know what my menus look like. So tomorrow, I will be posting the menus I made for the month, and on Friday I will be posting the shopping list I went to the store with at the very beginning.


  1. I think that is so funny. Right now I've started to do twice a month trips to the store and menues. The funny thing is that I made something new for dinner and no one liked it, but we still ate it. I'm learning and being challenged too. Thanks Krista!

  2. Thanks Christine for your feedback. I'm glad you are enjoying the blog. The only other time dinner was so bad I didn't make them eat it anyway was when I made a crockpot! Talk about disgusting...Don't ever do it :) This is challenging, but I'm sure will be worth it in the end.
