Thursday, February 10, 2011


Have you ever known a person who everybody called Mom? I remember growing up, my friends would call my Mom that. When I first met my husband, there were always a ton of people at his house, and every single one of them called his Mom, Barbara, Mom. Little did I know back then that she would be one of the most important people who would ever come into my life. Not only to me, but to my children, and countless numbers of others.

It is impossible to try to describe Barbara in one word. So these are some of the few I think of when I think of her, as I'm sure those of you who know her would agree. Giving, thoughtful, patient, trustworthy, funny, faithful, and something maybe not everybody knows...a dancing queen!

It makes me sad when I hear about people who don't get along with their in-laws. I am so thankful I have never had to experience that. Sean loves my parents, I love his, and vice versa. Don't get me wrong, we are by no means a perfectly happy family all the time...but...we are a family. When there are differences, they get worked out. When feelings are hurt, there is forgiveness. When someone does something stupid, we laugh at them!

One thing I love about Barbara is she knows what she wants. When it comes to her kids, grandkids and friends she always wants what is best for them, and to see them succeed. When it comes to vacations, if she can't be in Hawaii, she wants to be at the coast. When it comes to clothing, she wants to be classy and comfortable. And last but not least, she wants Diet Coke instead of Diet Pepsi. (Trust me, every waiter or waitress sees the "look" when they say, "we don't have Coke, is Pepsi alright?)

Some of the friendly family competitions we have is on Barb's birthday or Christmas we like to see who's gift can make her cry. She has no problem with expressing her emotions. I should clarify one thing though. It's not really a competition, Ben (Sean's brother) ALWAYS wins. We have succumb to the defeat though, and usually will get her one of her other favorite

For 20 years now, I've been blessed with having Barbara in my life, and I'm looking forward to the next 20. She is an amazing woman of God, who would give you the shirt off her back in a heartbeat. I know now why every one of Sean, Brandon, and Ben's friends called her Mom. It is because she is a Mom, in every single way.

I love you Barbara - Mom!


  1. Barb is a wonderful woman, love her!!

  2. Great words Krista!!!. Mom is the most amazing woman I have ever known (aside from my wife LOL), and I am truly blessed to have been born and raised by her. I have old friends that I don't see that often, that still refer to her as Mom even 30 some odd years later. What an impression she has left, and continues to leave, in so many of us. Love you Mom :-)
