Monday, June 7, 2010

Season's Change

One of the best things about living in the Rogue Valley, is the fact that we get to experience all four seasons. Now, if you ask most of us, at the moment, we are ready for the winter/rainy season to go away, because we are ready for summer! However, three months from now, we will be talking about how we're ready for the 100 degree weather to go away, and we'll start preparing for cooler nights and watching the autumn leaves begin changing color. We're always ready for old seasons to end and new seasons to begin.

It's no different in our lives, is it? I can tell you in my life I have experienced all four seasons - and most of the time they last more then three months. I remember when Sean and I first got married, we could go and do whatever we wanted, whenever we wanted, and for however long we long as it didn't cost more then $10! Then after we had children, that all changed. No longer could we go anywhere without bringing the stroller, change of clothes, baby food, diapers, wipes, etc. etc. etc. At that point in time it felt like most of my friends weren't in that season. They either had older kids, young kids with older siblings to help, or they didn't have any kids. In fact, it felt very lonely for a long time. It was also right in the middle of a lot of transitions for Sean and I in careers, and if being honest, I would have to say it was one of the winter seasons in my life. There were times, even as a Christian, when I doubted I could ever feel happiness again. I would question, "Who am I?" all the time.

Death of a loved one, loneliness, disappointment, hurt, abuse, and so many more things, affect people in many ways. The beautiful thing about winter though, is if you process through correctly, not only does spring ALWAYS follow, but with it comes new life, new hope, new vision, and new purpose! You can also come out of winter with a closer relationship with the Lord, if you will trust Him. My personal belief is that it would be very hard if not impossible to make it through this life without the Lord.

Think about your life. What a difference a day can make! What a difference a year can make! there's no time limit or boundaries to seasons, only the guarantee that we will experience all of them, and get through all of them. And just like living in the Valley, without the winter and rain, could you truly appreciate the summer?
What season are you in? Where is your hope?


  1. Wow Krista! That is so true. I know for me I have gone through all seasons, but thankfully, right now I'm in "Spring" where I'm seeing new life happen. God's changing things in me that I didn't know were there and taking some things away that aren't suppose to be there. God is always faithful to mold us to how He wants us as long as we're faithful and trust that He can do it. We have to surrender, then and only then will we see the true freedom that God brings us.
    Loved this blog. Great job, my friend.

  2. Dear Anonymous:

    Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it. The key word you used, was surender. Sometimes it's hard to do that. We try to hold on so tightly to things, because of fear many times. However, when we surrender to the Lord, we always find freedom :)

