Friday, February 26, 2010

Dinner in the Midst of Chaos

I won't pretend to live an easy life. It would be wonderful to have everything go exactly the way you want it all the time. However, I have learned that even in chaos, there is victories! Yesterday for me, was one of those days.

With 4 children and a daycare at times I feel like all I do is clean my house. I wish there was a remedy for doing that only once a month :) So yesterday morning I spent cleaning every room of my house. In the afternoon I laid down some kids for their nap and one of them decided to mess around and stick a piece of metal in a light socket. Yes, he took the child proof cover off! Luckily he wasn't hurt, but we had no lights in our kitchen and living room for a while. I had company over for a couple of hours, and during that time my 7 year old hurt his ankel on the trampoline. By that night we were in the ER making sure it wasn't broken. Thank God he only sprained it and was splinted up in a couple hours.

Where's the victory in the chaos? Every meal was prepared, and we all sat together at the dinner table! Why? Because like I mentioned yesterday it was all pre planned. Trust me, it would have been McDonalds for sure if I hadn't.

In life we all will have those days when things don't go exactly the way we planned. I understand that there will be those times when things happen completely out of our control, and eating at the table just won't happen. I'm not talking about that...I'm talking about the day to day business of living, and the possibility that in the midst of chaos you can still have dinner.

"For inexpensive recipe ideas, check out or


  1. Jessica Torres Oliveria says:

    Enjoyed reading through your blog. I've never shopped once a month but have often done the once a month cooking. It's a great way to save time and money. Look forward reading more in the future. Blessings on you!!

  2. Rachel Clark Caldwell says:

    I meal plan and grocery shop twice monthly. That way i don't have to come up with as many meals all at once! I LOVE using the website for great meal ideas! Beware though, you can spend hours on that website searching for recipes
