Monday, October 11, 2010


Last week as I was sitting in my living room looking out my front window at the red leaves falling on my lawn, I was reminded of my Grandmother. When I was younger, she lived in a small house with a very large tree in her front yard, and it was my job every year, to help rake the leaves.

When I was 4, I went to a preschool for a couple of weeks, and hated it. Whether it was because they served Tomato Soup for lunch, or because they made me take a nap every day, I don't know... Of course, being a childcare provider now myself, I understand FULLY why they made us do that. Nonetheless, my Mom took me out of preschool, and for the next few years my Grandma took care of me while my parents were at work.

There are so many things I remember about her. Playing Scrabble and Perquackey, listening to Jim Nabors on her 8 track player, learning to play Silent Night on her organ, gopher trips (camping), her knitting doggy sweaters in her rocking chair, KFC every Sunday after church, and her obnoxious snore are just a few memories that pop up immediately when I think about her.

One of the most memorable moments was when I was a Sophomore in high school and decided I hated school (again). I had skipped so many classes that it had already looked as though I wouldn't graduate on time. My teachers' had pretty much given up hope for a turn around. One afternoon while I was at her house she looked at me and said, "I know you can graduate. Work really hard, and prove everyone wrong". Though she wouldn't live to see it, that's exactly what I did.

My Grandma Jackson died on October 4, 1989 - 21 years ago, last week.

My Mom's Mom, my Grandma Winnie is still alive and full of life! I love being around her. When you walk into her house, it still smells like cookies :) As a child, my first memory of her was when I stayed the night there and we went to church. At some point during my Sunday School class 2 clowns went on stage and started performing. Afterward they came right up to me, and picked me up. I realized it was my Grandma and Grandpa. She was always doing things like that or having kids' back yard Bible Studies at her house. However, I think it was when I was a young adult that I became the closest to her.

After Emily was born I spent a lot of time with her making crafts, and just listening to her wisdom. It seemed like she always had just the right thing to say at the right time. I know, it is because she is close to the Lord. To this day, whenever I am at her house, I feel at home...the beauty of it does everyone else who walks in her house.

As a mother of 4 myself now, I can appreciate Grandma's even more - from a different perspective. My children have been blessed w/ 2 amazing ones! Let me tell you, for me, they have been life savers at times. You know, when you are just having "one of those days" and need a break - Or when you need some adult conversation that doesn't include Blues Clues, SpongeBob, or Barney. Sean's Mom and my Mom are the greatest. I couldn't ask for better "Grammy's" and Grandma's for my kids!

Some day, I will probably be sitting in my rocking chair, looking at the red leaves falling into my yard - and my prayer is that I will be as much of a blessing to my grandkids, that my Grandmother's were to me.

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