Thursday, September 30, 2010


Have you ever had plans to do one thing, and then decided last moment to do something else? There's been so many times in my life that I have done this, and now it is spilling over into my blog. I had every intention of doing a blog called "The Significance of Your Name", which I think is important. Instead, however, I will be talking about "Rearranging".

I don't know about you, but sometimes in my house, I like to rearrange things. Especially in the fall and spring, my house and the rooms in it can use a good cleaning. Whether its moving furniture around, changing out pictures, painting, going through kid's clothes, closets or toys - it all needs it. Usually, right in the middle of doing it, I wonder what in the world I got myself into. It appears as though I 've created more of a mess then what was there before. But, when it's all said and done, I am so happy I did it.

One of the definitions for the word "arrange" is as follows:

* to put into a proper order or into a correct or suitable sequence, relationship, or adjustment

I believe it is safe to say, that to "rearrange" something can be described as putting something that once was in order, back.

In our lives, things can get out of order. It's easy to see the breakdown of society in the big picture. Families have suffered, children have suffered, the economy has suffered, etc. Why? The answer is, because of sin. The biggest goal of the enemy is to steal, kill, and destroy, everything in your life. It is to take what God intended to be good, and twist it. Sin is not something you can move around, change the picture of, or paint over. Only the blood of Jesus Christ can get rid of it. When we recognize and receive that, then Jesus's biggest goal can happen. That is to give you life, and life more abundanlty in every area! (John 10:10)

What about the small picture of things, aka, your life? What about the rooms in your heart and your mind? Have you checked them lately? Are there doors left open for the enemy to get in? If something in your life is not the way God intended it to be, let Him rearrange you today.

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