Monday, May 10, 2010

Space Invader

Yesterday was an amazing day because not only was it Mother's Day, but it was also my 36th Birthday. So, needless to say, I woke up in a great mood (like I do every morning...not) and was ready to spend the day with my family and friends. While we were at church, I had a lot of people come up to me to wish me a happy day, and then worship started.

There are times during worship when I get distracted, and then there are other times when I am totally in it. Yesterday, I was totally in it. Now something strange happens to me when I close my eyes, especially if I'm not hanging on to anything. I tend to get off balance, so there have been times I am at church and find myself really in prayer or worship, and when I open my eyes I have turned completely around and am facing the wrong way! So yesterday we are there, and I had my eyes closed and my hands raised, and I am really in worship, when all of a sudden my husband leans over and whispers to me, "Honey, your hands are right in my face." We both started laughing because I have done this before. One time I was in Louisiana with Pastor Natalie and the same thing happened. We were right next to eachother and I keep noticing out of the corner of my eye that she is moving forward. In my head I am thinking, "Wow God is really touching her!" Though that was true, her continuing to move was because I kept touching her! Once again, I kept shoving my hands and arms right in her face. Needless to say, I have been nicknamed "The Space Invader".

We all know "space invaders". It might be during worship or it might be those people who insist on standing 3 inches from your face when they are talking to you, and it doesn't matter if you scoot back because they'll just scoot closer.

I have found with God, that He isn't always a space invader. Don't get me wrong, there are times when He is, and I'm glad.... but that's not what I am talking about. I am talking about how sometimes He'll let you know He's there, but He won't force Himself on you. He didn't make us all robots, that were forced to love Him, forced to pray, or forced to worship Him. He gave us all that choice. Yet, He drops hints doesn't He. Those times when you hear the still small voice, saying, "I love you, I want to spend time with you, I sent my Son to die for you, you are mine." Sometimes we have to trust that God is doing that with those we love also. He is a gentleman, and though He will scoot close to you, He won't always be that space invader...

At least not until you give Him permission :)


  1. Hahaha..Space Invader! You gotta love how things like that happen! I've also noticed that I am not the most coorditated "Clapper & Swayer" during worship! It's come to the point now where I have closed my eyes, raised up my hands, start swaying to the music and I feel myself start falling off to one side! I now compromise with myself raise up only one hand, and grab onto the pew so that I stop stepping on Michaels feet..I've already elbowed him & kicked his leg a few times as well!

    Maybe its the holy spirit in me trying to beat him into submission! LOL

    I guess my personal "Bubble" is just a lot smaller than most..."Space Invaders" don't bother me as much, but your seems to be okay once you let them in and I have definatly let the Lord into my "Bubble" and I'm floating on cloud 9!

    So thanks for invading my space Krista..I never would have floated this far with out you!!

  2. Oh my gosh, that is so funny Dyan! You know how I feel then. If I ever do it to you, I won't be offended if you slap my hand down or something :) Thank you for the kind words, also. That means a lot to me.
