Monday, January 31, 2011

Routine or Spur of the Moment?

I took a survey on my Facebook page recently, asking the question, "Are you more of a "schedule" or "spur of the moment" type person?" I asked this because I noticed in my life how much of a "routine" type person I am. I like things a certain way, at a certain time, in a certain order. Now to "spur of the moment" type people (who I have in my immediate family) this drives them nuts I'm sure. I mean, how boring, right! If my routine gets messed with I can handle it for a bit, but then I tilt. Someone answered the question on my page, "I am a routine person who longs to be more of a spur of the moment type". That is how I feel also. But, at 36, I still get up at the same time, walk in and turn on the coffee pot, and do a lot of the same things every day.

My daughter, who is also very much a routine person in some things, is right in the middle of her gymnastics competition season. She will always eat Chicken Alfredo the night before a meet, and eggs the morning of. She eats a Power Bar in the car on the way, even though she hates them. She won't touch a sweet the week before a meet, but during the awards ceremony you may see her bust out a bag of Sour Patch Kids. Routine right? This last weekend we were in Washington and she did what I long to do. No, I'm not talking about a backflip, I would break myself! I'm talking about busting out of the normal, and still handling it well. She had the opportunity to stay with a friend at The Great Wolf Lodge, which has a huge indoor water park, the night before the meet. That's the first break of routine. She's never not stayed with us. Then that night for dinner she had a Burger and Fries (or something like that) and most likely a lot of sugar. That's number two. The morning of the meet she only had a bowl of fruit. That's three. Then finally, the meet itself was probably the most "not normal" meet for her personally that she's ever had. However, with all that, she got her highest All Around score to date for the level she's in. When I asked her afterward if she had fun even though it was so different, her comment back was "IT WAS A BLAST!" She had the most fun ever, and has talked about it over and over again.

For those of us who are so scheduled, I want to leave a thought. What would happen if we broke out of our routine? What if we tryed something new or switched things up a bit? Could it be that possibly we would have a blast? For those of you who are very spur of the moment, what if you got in to some sort of routine? Would it help things be more organized or peaceful? No matter who you are, and what "type" of personality you have one thing is for all of us. Love life, laugh hard, and make each day count!

Thursday, January 20, 2011


It has been said that a mother's love know's no bounds. What we will do when it comes to our children will go beyond, strength, perseverence, or any other meaningful attribute we express. We will do just about anything for them.

My Mom has always been my best friend. I realized at a young age how lucky I was to have her. Not every mother/daughter relationship is good, and I knew that what we had, and still have, is a blessing.

I'm sure she would tell you that I was the perfect daughter and by all means never did anything to give her grief. LOL! If you know me, you know I'm kidding. In my teenage years, the saying "a mother's love knows no bounds" was especially true. The times when I would get so mad at her because she wouldn't let me do what "everybody else's" parents were letting them do. Or the times when I would blow up at her because my hair wasn't cooperating and it was time to go to school. Yes, there were tense times growing up, but there were also very meaningful times. The nights we'd take walks along the bike trail and talk about anything and everything, the mother/daughter trips we took to the coast "just because", and the times she'd get a sleeping bag and sleep outside under the stars with me and we'd see who could count the most airplanes, satellites, and shooting stars.

My Mom was always the one who could make me cry. When I was pregnant with my first child and the doctor told me to go home, pack, and come back, because he was going to deliver the baby that day, I stayed fairly composed...until I called my Mom. As soon as I heard her voice, the tears came. Why? Because there's a bond there that breaks down any walls.

As an adult woman who has been married for almost 19 years and now has 4 kids of my own, (the oldest being a teenager now) my Mom is still one of my best friends. If I'm sick I still want her to bring me 7-up and crackers, if I've had a bad day, talking to her always makes it better, and the awesome thing is...she feels the exact same way about her Mom.

One of the passions in my life is to be a great Mom. My kids mean the world to me, and I would do just about anything for them. When it comes to my kids, I can be mean, but nobody else better be or they'll see the bear rise up in me. (LOL, I'm kidding...somewhat) They have wonderful people who pour into their life, like pastors, coaches, teachers, etc...but nothing compares to Mom. That's something I would never change.

In the long seasons of raising your kids, whether they're newborns not sleeping through the night, potty training, teenagers, etc. , never forget there is no greater joy then being a Mom. Those hard times will be passed up by the meaningful times. When they're older, maybe they can say the same thing about you that I say to my Mom...I love you, you mean the world to me, and your love has shown no bounds.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Don't Let Things go Unattended

Have you ever had a situation that you didn't really want to face? In your mind you succeeded in tricking yourself that if you ignore the problem it will just go away. Recently that happened to me. Infact, I'm in the middle of it right now. Before I tell you about it, let me just say one thing. If there's something in your life that you know needs to be dealt with, just do it. It might not be fun, it might even be painful, but in the end it's worth it.

A couple of years ago I had 2 root canals done on my back teeth. Not the ideal way to spend time or money, but I was happy, because the pain had become unbearable. The price was almost $2000 to get it done, and I was under the impression that it was for the entire procedure...getting new caps and all. So, when I called to make the appointment for the caps to get done, they said it was going to be around another $2000. I don't know about you, but coming up with an extra $4000 for teeth isn't easy. So, instead of getting them done, I let it go. Afterall, the pain was gone, and though it was pretty inconvenient when the temporary filling fell out, I still left it unattended. That was about a year and a half ago.

Over that period of time, I could tell they were in really bad shape. One ended up falling out, but never healing correctly, and the other just wasn't right at all. About 3 weeks ago I could tell something was going on with them because it started getting a little painful again. Then on Tuesday night, last week, I looked and they had abcessed. On Friday, I ended up at the Ortho Surgeon, and had both removed permanently.

Why am I sharing this? It's pretty gross, pretty personal, not many people want to hear about infected teeth...but, I share this because in many areas of our life we think if we ignore it, it will just fix it self or go away completely. That usually isn't the case. Whether it's in a marriage, raising kids, our health, our careers, our relationship with God, etc. leaving things unattended is never the answer. Sometimes we do just enough to make the pain go away, but never go as far as we need to, to resolve it totally.

This has made me think, and I am determining to look at every area in my life, and ask the Lord, "What am I not wanting to deal with? What have I let go?" I don't want to wait until the infection is so bad, that "emergency surgery" has to be done. What about you?